Learn How To Apply For TANF Assistance With Our Guide

Learn How To Apply For TANF Assistance With Our Guide

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You are probably asking yourself, “What is TANF?” This may be because you heard the program offers financial assistance. TANF in New Hampshire, known as the Family Assistance to Needy Families (FANF) program, provides low-income families with cash assistance. However, in order to receive the financial aid you are seeking, you must apply for TANF.

New Hampshire requires you to complete a TANF application, as it allows the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to learn information about your family, such as income. Also, the information you fill out lets the department know the amount of TANF benefits for which your family is eligible. After you apply for the TANF program successfully, it is vital to understand how to check your TANF status and know how long you can receive FANF benefits for. In the sections below, you will learn about the FANF program’s eligibility requirements, the amount of benefits you can collect and more.

Who qualifies for TANF in New Hampshire?

There are specific TANF eligibility requirements you must satisfy to receive financial assistance in New Hampshire, which include the following:

  • Age
    • Your dependent child needs to be 18 years of age or younger.
    • Your child can be 20 years of age or younger if he or she is a full-time student in high school or high school equivalency program.
  • Income
    • Your household needs to meet New Hampshire’s income standards.
  • Assets
    • The state has specific restrictions on the amount of assets can own.
  • Citizenship Status
    • You must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible qualified alien.

Along with the requirements listed above, you must also follow the work requirements once you enter the program. Individuals 16 to 60 years of age must work when receiving benefits. Recipients that do not work will have their FANF benefits taken from them.

How to Apply for TANF in New Hampshire

The DHHS provides residents with a variety of ways to apply for TANF. The state does this to allow applicants to apply using whichever method they are most comfortable using. Below, is a list of the various ways you can complete your application:

  • Online
  • By mail
    • You must print a TANF application and mail it to your local DHHS.
  • In person
    • Visit your local TANF office to apply for TANF benefits.

After completing your TANF application, you will have a TANF interview with a Family Services Specialist (FSS). In the interview, you will talk about the situation your household is currently in and any needs you all may need. Additionally, the FSS will inform you about the different requirements there are in order for your family to receive TANF benefits, such as work requirements. Also, you will receive information about the variety of benefits you have by entering the program.

When you are at your interview, the specialist will ask proof of your household circumstances. The FSS asks for you to provide items, such as pay stubs, to ensure that all the information you provided them is accurate. For specific details on how to apply for benefits, download our free informative guide.

How much cash assistance will I get in New Hampshire?

“How much money do you get from TANF?” may be something you are asking yourself because this is your first time receiving TANF benefits. New Hampshire decides the amount of TANF benefits your family will collect based on:

  • Your family income.
  • The amount of resources your family owns.
  • The living arrangements you are currently in.

The more income and resources your family has the fewer TANF benefits you can collect. Also, New Hampshire determines TANF benefits by family size. A family of six in with no income will receive more TANF money than a family of three with the same circumstances. For more information on cash assistance, download our comprehensive guide.

How long does it take to get TANF benefits in New Hampshire?

If you are wondering, “When will I receive TANF benefits?” it is important to understand that it depends on you. To receive your TANF benefits as quickly as possible, it is crucial to submit your application correctly and provide DHHS will all the essential items. By not completing your application correctly or providing the specialist that is interviewing you with proof of your household circumstances, you will delay the process.

In New Hampshire, you will receive your cash benefits twice a month. The TANF payment schedule will always remain the same. You will receive your cash benefits via electronic funds transfer or electronic benefits transfer, depending on which method you prefer.

How long can you receive TANF in New Hampshire?

Families can receive FANF cash assistance for a maximum of 60 months in New Hampshire. The 60-month limit the DHHS enforces began on October 1, 1996. If you received financial aid in any month before that date, then the assistance the state provided you with does not count toward your 60-month limit. However, if you collected TANF benefits on or after October 1, 1996, then each month you collect benefits counts toward your five-year maximum. Additionally, if you move to another state, then the number of months of cash assistance you receive in New Hampshire will count towards the TANF limit you can receive in other states.

Furthermore, once you reach your 60-month lifetime limit in New Hampshire, you can no longer receive financial assistance. However, if your family is experiencing a hardship such as not being able to work due to a medical reason or cannot find childcare, then you may receive a six-month extension with the program. DHHS must approve your request for a TANF extension.

How can I check my TANF status in New Hampshire?

If you filled out a TANF online application, then you can check the status of your application online. You simply login to the account you created when completing your application. If you did not use the online method, then you can contact the TANF number of the DHHS facility you mailed or completed your TANF application in. Also, you have the option of going in person to check on your TANF status.

Learn How To Apply For TANF Assistance With Our Guide